Tired of missing out on life because of your own fears and insecurities?

It's time to clean house on your mental habits, so you can feel confident, capable, and comfortable in your skin.

Your personal revolution of belief & being starts July 8th.

Here's the truth:

You are ALREADY whole, perfect, and awesome. You don't need to be fixed and there is nothing wrong with you.


If you're not feeling that way, then you have some thoughts, beliefs, and habits that NEED TO GO. 

Too many brilliant souls are struggling to FEEL brilliant and let themselves shine!

Instead you find yourself...

  • Holding back
  • Feeling insecure
  • Doubting yourself
  • Over-giving
  • Spinning your wheels & exhausting yourself in confusion
  • Trying to prove your worth to earn love, success, or admiration
  • Downplaying your magic so you don't seem too much / smart / threatening / arrogant / lucky, etc

These habits are not who you ARE.

They are beliefs you've learned - ways of getting by you've adopted - to fit in, be liked, feel loved, and earn gold stars of approval and success in life.

But it's not working anymore.

Your soul is waking up.

You're no longer willing to waste another day, month, year of your life looking outside yourself for answers or being trapped by your own crappy beliefs.

You're ready to feel confident and comfortable in who you are.

You're ready to enjoy the ease and contentment of knowing what's right for you, choosing your truth, and trusting yourself.

You're ready to cut the fluff, step into your purpose, and be your FULL, RADIANT SELF.


As seen in

Enter Mastering Your Inner Mind

Move beyond the old beliefs playing out in your life so that you can stop the cycle and start relishing being YOU!


In this 3-month personal revolution of belief & being you will...

1. Get clear on the core belief holding you back & getting in your way.

Hint: It's not always what you think it is.

Even the most self-aware, spiritual powerhouses can have a blind spot when it comes to their own deeply engrained beliefs.

I'll help you get to the bottom of exactly what's getting in your way, so that you can stop being held hostage by your beliefs, take back the reins on your life, and finally be the confident, happy person you know you are.

2. Drop your belief & center in the truth of who you REALLY are

The you that's whole, pure, and radiant underneath the layers of learned beliefs and coping skills.

You'll discover the freedom that ALREADY lies within you, but has been buried by false assumptions and fear. Then you'll transcend the fear and beliefs tying you up in knots and focus on what really matters - being fully and confidently you.

3. BECOME who you're meant to be (and always have been).

AKA stick with it for good.

You can change your life & mind in the drop of a hat, but staying there is another question...

Ever had a great day & felt on top of the world and like you could achieve anything? Then whiplashed back to feeling hopeless, confused, and powerless a few days later? Exactly.

This program helps you get to your truth and STAY there.

This isn't a quick fix or high.

Mastering Your Inner Mind helps you make a permanent transition to BECOMING your true self, so that you can see your mind's own game, free yourself from its convincing grip, and finally move on to bigger and better things.

Beliefs don't operate in a vacuum. 

They're fluid, changeable, adaptable responses to your daily life.

Which means you can change them and then have a RADICALLY different life experience.

But if you've been thinking, feeling, and acting the same way - and seeing the same results - for years, you may not see your options anymore.

You KNOW there's another way but you can't find it...

That's because you're stuck in a belief ⇨ result ⇨ belief cycle.

It looks something like this: 

You have a belief, so you think / feel / behave a certain way.

That results in a certain outcome.

You interpret that outcome to validate your original belief (the meaning-making).

Voilà! You're stuck in a cycle that you didn't even realize was happening!

This is why even when...

  • You're smart, talented, and blessed...
  • You've read all the books, followed the meditations, and done the energetic work...
  • You're a seasoned spiritual seeker and know all the tips, tricks, and tools...

You STILL can't break through that one, frustrating hurdle!

Whether it's... 

  • not speaking up and sharing your ideas at work
  • holding back in your business despite knowing you have a MAJOR gift to share
  • stretching yourself too thin because you can't seem to say no when people need you
  • feeling scared to do or say something wrong in case people judge or abandon you   
  • wanting to feel healthy and then binging and disappointing yourself

These incongruences do NOT mean that you are weak, hopeless, or doomed to a life of feeling frustrated, left-out, and/or disappointed in yourself!

They just mean you have a core belief that no longer fits with who you are.

It's time to break free from the cycle. 

It's time for a personal revolution of belief & being. 

Join Mastering Your Inner Mind now

Your 3-month personal revolution of belief & being starts July 8th.

In this 3-month program, you'll receive:

9 live group calls (3 each month) to get real-time personal feedback, break free from your beliefs, and come home to your natural confidence. (Value: $1800)
Simple weekly practices (12 total) to systematically drop your old fears & insecurities and recenter in your truth. (Value: $2500)
Daily support in a private Facebook® group to see your old habits clearly and quickly shift back into alignment. (Value: $10,000 - 3 months of individualized coaching)
Scheduled integration weeks (1 each month) to deepen into your discoveries and celebrate your progress. (Value: your peace of mind & breathing deeply!)

Plus you'll join an inspiring & uplifting community of people who see, understand, & honor you. Your fellow members will spark deeper insights, help you safely practice new ways of interacting, and keep you accountable on your personal revolution of belief and being. (Value: priceless)




9 LIVE group calls - Value $1800

12 simple weekly practices - Value $2500

Daily support in the group  - Value $10,000

3 Integration weeks - Value peace of mind!

Supportive group - Value priceless 

Total value: Over $14,300




9 LIVE group calls - Value $1800

12 simple weekly practices - Value $2500

Daily support in the group  - Value $10,000

3 Integration weeks - Value peace of mind!

Supportive group - Value priceless 

Total value: Over $14,300


"Thank you for your insights and guidance. Your view of the world and your ability to hone in on the essentials has been critical to me coming into mostly being ok with the impacts that the belief has had on me, which is a space I can now move forward from."

Past Member

To break free, you need a complete mind-body-emotion experience

Mindset work alone is NOT enough.

✅You need to dive deep into the heart of your biggest fears and most painful wounds, so you can liberate yourself from their stifling grip and lovingly take control of how you feel.

✅You need to physically embody a new way of being, so you can break out of old postural patterns and send a clear message to your subconscious mind that you are in charge of how you feel.

✅Plus you need to stand unwavering in your truth as your mind kicks and screams trying to convince you that you really are unworthy, unlovable, and hopeless. Trust me, it can be persuasive! As you hold steady, you’ll step into greater freedom, joy, and confidence with every breakthrough.

In Mastering Your Inner Mind, you'll get my hands-on guidance to free yourself from the beliefs keeping you stuck and unhappy, so you can come home to your natural, confident self.

"I've loved this process and it's helped me make HUGE steps forward in my life! Thank you, Alexis! I definitely recommend your guidance to people who are ready to do the work to get over their biggest limiting beliefs. <3"

International Life Coach

How it works

Your month-by-month liberation

Month One

Your personal revolution of belief & being kicks off with a deep dive into your beliefs, habits, and power. You will:

✔️Claim control of your life instead of being the passive victim of your beliefs and habits.

✔️Unveil your hidden beliefs so you can see their impact on your life fully - both good and bad.

✔️Powerfully choose your new direction (this is the "secret" that all confident and successful people share).

✔️Commit to your choice and seal that commitment in mind, body, and soul with an energy-shifting practice that calls forth your fierce determination and ushers you in to your new way of being. 

Month Two

With your new knowledge and focus, you will:

➔ Set your sights on your true self + create a trail of personal breadcrumbs to return home to yourself anytime.

➔ Stand strong in the fire as your old beliefs & habits rage & resist - plus harness that fire into empowered energy to propel you forward! 

➔ Take charge of your mind with my #1 tool to shift your beliefs & inner dialogue in the moment.

➔ Own your confident, capable self as NON-NEGOTIABLE with a powerful mind-body integration practice. 

Month Three

You'll transcend your old belief and catapult into your future to: 

👍🏼Claim your vision of your new, empowered, aligned life.

👍🏼Step FULLY into your true self and be witnessed in your radiance, truth, and power.

👍🏼Choose to be your TRUE self every day & be supported as you embrace your new norm with courage and grace.

👍🏼Celebrate who you are and the freedom you created for yourself!

By the end, you'll feel confident in your truth, as you shed the skin of unhelpful beliefs, habits and thoughts that have been holding you back.

Join Mastering Your Inner Mind now

Your 3-month personal revolution of belief & being starts July 8th.

In this 3-month program, you'll receive:

9 live group calls (3 each month) to get real-time personal feedback, break free from your beliefs, and come home to your natural confidence. (Value: $1800)
Simple weekly practices (12 total) to systematically drop your old fears & insecurities and recenter in your truth. (Value: $2500)
Daily support in a private Facebook® group to see your old habits clearly and quickly shift back into alignment. (Value: $10,000 - 3 months of individualized coaching)
Scheduled integration weeks (1 each month) to deepen into your discoveries and celebrate your progress. (Value: your peace of mind & breathing deeply!)

Plus you'll join an inspiring & uplifting community of people who see, understand, & honor you. Your fellow members will spark deeper insights, help you safely practice new ways of interacting, and keep you accountable on your personal revolution of belief and being. (Value: priceless)




9 LIVE group calls - Value $1800

12 simple weekly practices - Value $2500

Daily support in the group  - Value $10,000

3 Integration weeks - Value peace of mind!

Supportive group - Value priceless 

Total value: Over $14,300




9 LIVE group calls - Value $1800

12 simple weekly practices - Value $2500

Daily support in the group  - Value $10,000

3 Integration weeks - Value peace of mind!

Supportive group - Value priceless 

Total value: Over $14,300


"I started the challenge to break a bad belief that I had about my worthiness and value. This was tough, deep stuff to work through but at the end I felt so much lighter and freer! It positively impacted my love life and my financial life!"

Past Member

"This program gives you the tools, insights and support to see yourself in a whole new light, enabling you to free yourself from old constraints and make more empowered choices for yourself."

Health Manager

Why it works

Mastering Your Inner Mind is unlike other mindset re-patterning programs because it:

  • Is rooted in real-world, personal experience.
  • Guides you through a proven step-by-step process created from my own experience and tested and refined with dozens of clients.
  • Gives you a holistic solution to untangle your mind, body, and emotions, so that you can break free from old cycles instead of whiplashing back into them the minute you feel tired or down.
  • Works WITH your life so that you can benefit from the breakthroughs no matter how crazy your life gets during the program.
  • 100% personalized to your experience. The program is limited to a small number so that you get individualized support to break free from your seemingly impossible-to-change and true-feeling beliefs.

How I know FOR SURE it works

Because I created it for myself.

This is me.

I’m a former award-winning government strategist. I’ve advised U.S. Ambassadors, foreign dignitaries, and members of Congress, as well as served on White House teams to strategically develop leaders.

Now I help the world's most successful people live with clarity, ease, and purpose.

I created of a unique system to discover and live your purpose. Plus I have 10+ years of experience teaching yoga & meditation - which helps you re-wire old habits to actually become who you are meant to be in body, mind, and spirit.

Not to mention, I'm married to an amazing man, come from a wonderful family, and have the most heart-centered, uplifting friends you could imagine.

In short, I’ve got every reason to feel confident, happy, and awesome about myself.

But I still felt insecure and trapped in my own stories...

I had everything going for me but I was struggling inside...

For years - decades really - I felt like I was drowning in:

  • Insecurity
  • High levels of stress that left me feeling sick, exhausted, and in pain
  • Being chronically hard on myself
  • Obsessing over lack in my life and everything I didn’t have that I wanted - money, time, close friendships, support in my business, etc
  • Consistently undervaluing, diminishing, and discrediting myself

My pervasive “not enough” belief was killing my business and blocking me from creating the deep, meaningful connections that I desired - even with the people already in my life!

I knew WHAT was wrong, I just didn't know how to break the cycle.

But at the end of 2017, I had had enough of my own crummy mind games. I knew I had to break the belief “I am not enough” once and for all, because the results I was getting in my life were just too painful to tolerate any longer. So I set myself a 30-day time limit and got started.

What happened next was nothing short of a miracle

By the end of the 30-days, I was calmer and more present. I was gentler with myself had started eating better and exercising daily. I was dressing better and taking more care with my appearance and self. Miraculously, I was doing less than ever in my business, yet potential clients were appearing out of the woodwork and asking to work with me! Plus, I was so focused and enjoying the process of living, I had let go of my obsession around outcomes.

Things were flowing and I felt great!

At that point, people who had witnessed my experience and transformation asked me to lead a 30-day challenge for them so they could break free from their negative beliefs too.

I poured over the 36,000+ words of text and 10 hours of video I'd created during my personal journey to deconstruct exactly what I had done & how.

The result was a specific process - the key steps I guide you through in Mastering Your Inner Mind - that you must go through in order to break free from your hurtful beliefs. 

I've since guided two groups through the process and the results continue to be amazing. Just read the testimonials! 

But in my heart, I knew it needed more...

After observing how my clients and I continued to grow (or not) over the past 18 months, I realized 30 days wasn't enough. 

- You need more time to solidify your new beliefs and way of being. 

- You need more practice embodying your new feelings and standing in your truth. 

- You need more space to create a permanent, life-changing shift. 

So I went back to the drawing board and developed this program:

A 3-month personal revolution of belief and being.

Mastering Your Inner Mind brings you the best of my unique process to break free from your old beliefs, together with personalized soul-level coaching, AND 10+ years experience teaching meditation to help you soften into deep presence in body, mind, and spirit.

It doesn't matter if you want to see changes in your love life, career, finances, spiritual connection, or self-esteem:

This program works.

By the end, you will feel lighter, happier, and finally free to create the life you KNOW you are meant to have - without getting caught up in your own fear-based stories.

"When you make a decision to heal a part of yourself that needs healing; when you really want to live in more freedom from your limiting beliefs; when you really want to give yourself the chance to live a bigger, better, happier and more fulfilled life, this program is perfect because it engages your whole life to support you in becoming that which you truly are inside - unlimited. Alexis' guidance is spot on and the energy in the group is loving and supportive."

"While I was in this program, my life shifted profoundly. The intention I set at the beginning literally steered my life in the direction of healing my biggest limiting belief. I felt very supported, understood and Alexis always had the best answers and suggestions. I am extremely grateful for the experience!"

"Being a part of this program helps open you up to owning your happiness, even when you think it's the furthest thing from your grasp."

Past Member

Results you can expect

Mastering Your Inner Mind will help you feel more confident, capable, and comfortable in your skin.

Past members have received new job offers, launched & sold out new programs in their businesses, created major breakthroughs in their family dynamics, ignited their romantic relationships, and doubled their income.

You'll feel more centered, better able to express your boundaries, and clearer about what you want and how to ask for it. Members also share having more energy and feeling more like themselves than ever!

More than that, you'll feel like YOU! 

You'll come HOME to yourself, trust your intuition and knowing, and feel the soft, gentle ease that comes from honoring yourself instead of constantly trying to mute your truth.

It's time to come home to YOU!

Answers to your questions

You'll hone in on a core belief like:

- I am not enough
- It's not safe to let down my guard & be vulnerable
- No one really cares about me
- I am bad with money
- I have to over-give to be loved

In my experience, you have one major belief that impacts your life and keeps you stuck repeating the same old thoughts, feelings, and actions - and experiencing the same disappointing outcomes.

When you get clear on this belief and come home to your truth instead, you awaken your natural confidence and feel like the person you were always meant to be.

Mastering Your Inner Mind is a 3-month personal revolution of belief and being. We start July 8th and finish September 30th.

Each week you'll get a simple, focused, and intentional practice to help you systematically drop your old fears & insecurities and recenter in your truth. Then we'll come together 3 times each month for live group calls to get real-time feedback and coaching on your beliefs and fears.

You'll also have my daily support in a private Facebook® group, so you can get help & guidance when you need it most.

Mastering Your Inner Mind is right for you if...

⭐️ You KNOW life can feel easy, expansive, and effortless because you see it happening for others - but you keep getting stuck trying to create it for yourself.

⭐️You're open to new ways of thinking and feeling and you're dedicated to being the best version of yourself.

⭐️ You want expert guidance to help you shift for good, so you can stop wasting time feeling less than and start being your awesome self!

⭐️ You are a naturally capable and confident person - you make things happen and love who you are, or you would except for this one frustrating thorn in your side... 


✅ You want something in your life that you don't have right now - like more love, ease, money, confidence, success, etc

✅You feel like you are meant for more, but you keep hitting up against the same dead-ends and frustrations

✅ You want to feel good about yourself and your life, but it feels like everything is so hard and takes so much effort - like you have to amp yourself up for even the smallest wins

✅ You feel afraid, confused, unsure, or unclear about how to create the life you imagine, even though you know it's possible.

Whether you are a stay-at-home parent or a multiple 6-figure business owner, Mastering Your Inner Mind will help you break free from the beliefs keeping you stuck so you can feel confident, capable, and comfortable in your skin.

Past members include:

- A career professional struggling with over-giving to family, staff, and clients as a way to feel safe & valuable.

- A budding singer wanting to take bolder action to build her career but worried about the right steps and feeling confident.

- A business woman and mother of 4 craving to be more open & vulnerable with her clients and family, but worried about feeling unsafe and weak.

- An entrepreneur who believed she was bad with money - a belief that was holding her back from sharing her work and growing her business.

- An online marketing expert struggling to let in more clients and romance, though she desired both.

Mastering Your Inner Mind is NOT right for you if:

🚫 You aren't sure you want to feel differently.

🚫 You think all your problems are someone else’s fault.

🚫 You don't believe your emotions or thoughts matter.

🚫 You are unwilling to consider alternatives & new ideas.

The process works - and FAST - but you have to be willing to learn, adjust, and try new ways of being in order to create the results & life you desire. 

"You helped piece together aspects of my history that I hadn't put together before, which showed me some of my old patterns and stories - and that was super powerful, because the awareness gives me the chance to choose differently."

Happiness Mentor

"This program is an effective way to bust through the stories we tell ourselves about our happiness. Sometimes it's realizations that hit us like a MACK truck ramming into a brick wall and spraying dust everywhere, sometimes it's a gentle knock on the door."

"Things were coming up in my life that seemed super random but were actually just the right circumstances to help me heal the belief."

"The program provided a safe place to uncover and explore a belief that I did not know I had and which I can now see has had a significant impact on how I have been living my life. Alexis provides a process and structure to choose differently and embody that choice."

Join Mastering Your Inner Mind now

Your 3-month personal revolution of belief & being starts July 8th.

In this 3-month program, you'll receive:

9 live group calls (3 each month) to get real-time personal feedback, break free from your beliefs, and come home to your natural confidence. (Value: $1800)
Simple weekly practices (12 total) to systematically drop your old fears & insecurities and recenter in your truth. (Value: $2500)
Daily support in a private Facebook® group to see your old habits clearly and quickly shift back into alignment. (Value: $10,000 - 3 months of individualized coaching)
Scheduled integration weeks (1 each month) to deepen into your discoveries and celebrate your progress. (Value: your peace of mind & breathing deeply!)

Plus you'll join an inspiring & uplifting community of people who see, understand, & honor you. Your fellow members will spark deeper insights, help you safely practice new ways of interacting, and keep you accountable on your personal revolution of belief and being. (Value: priceless)




9 LIVE group calls - Value $1800

12 simple weekly practices - Value $2500

Daily support in the group  - Value $10,000

3 Integration weeks - Value peace of mind!

Supportive group - Value priceless 

Total value: Over $14,300




9 LIVE group calls - Value $1800

12 simple weekly practices - Value $2500

Daily support in the group  - Value $10,000

3 Integration weeks - Value peace of mind!

Supportive group - Value priceless 

Total value: Over $14,300


A final note from a past member...

(In case you're still wondering if freedom, love, confidence, and feeling good are really possible for you - Hint: they are!)


50% Complete

Two Step

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